Start the greatest self-discovery journey of your life and get true change!

Activate Your Secret Genius™

A 12-week advanced mindfulness & brain training program –

Feel Rebirthed and Transformed as You Rewire Your Brain, Optimize Your Habits, Get True Well-being, and TRAIN TO UNLOCK ALL of the HIDDEN GENIUSES INSIDE OF YOU

Your brain creates your reality.

Are you ready to transform yours?

The Activate Your Secret Genius program™ is a deep-dive into understanding, exploring, pattern-decoding, and evolving your brain to create a new internal operating system worthy of the NEW YOU.

With leading brain science, mindfulness-based micro habits, and time-tested skill-building and self-exploration practices, this 12-week program goes beyond surface-level changes to create awareness, skills, and new performance peaks.

Get ready to reshape your how you think, feel, create, live, focus, work, and see the world. 

Why Training is URGENT in Today’s World

Our brains, which evolved slowly, hate the way we “suddenly” live our digital  and overstimulated lives. Everything is a trigger and your brain is literally overloaded, and chronically stressed out.

You can’t live well, grow, or achieve your dreams if your brain is in this constant survival mode because the biochemicals of stress wreak havoc on your thinking, mindset, and mood. You need to train NOW to help your brain if you don’t want to waste more of your life’s energy just coping and surviving in this uncertain, ever-changing world.

Why It’s SO HARD to Make Changes that Stick

 You’ve probably tried reading books, watching videos, listening to podcasts to get information on tips or techniques, but all of these amount to “knowledge collection.” They are not true systems of action so instead of helping, they often just lead to more overwhelm with resistance from the brain. This is because:


Brain is always in Energy Conservation Mode


To save energy, it always defaults back into what it knows. Your old patterns & habits are deeply entrenched in your existing neural networks making them harder to change.


your brain associates change with fear


Doing new things involves making it through a period of active resistance from the brain. Anything unknown is simply less secure than the status quo so it’s knowing what to ignore as much as what to listen to. 


It takes training & rehersal to encode new pathways 


Beyond discovering and assessing old patterns, the brain requires that you intentionally repeat optimal practices with awareness until they stick. New systems must be encoded into new dominant neural networks. 


From Your teacher & guide

Dr. Arianna Rama

Pharm.D., J.D., LL.M.

Chief at Refathom

Over the last decade, I’ve helped hundreds of people train their brains to transform their lives.


With an 18-year journey across roles as a clinical pharmacist, research scientist, health attorney, consultant, educator, and trainer, I’ve dedicated my career to helping people improve their health, lives, and well-being. At Refathom™, I blend modern brain science with mindfulness techniques to empower you to think better, feel better, and perform better all around.

With our flagship training AYSG™, know that you are embarking on the greatest journey — the internal adventure of knowing and evolving yourself. As a dual personal and professional training, it helps you change your think, habits, and feelings, while also building amazing new super skills of memory, learning, focus, creativity, flow, and so much more. 

The result is explosive and guaranteed with our 6-month transformation promise! When you follow this system and action plan — you will think, feel, work better than ever before!  I give you videos, slides, worksheets, support and everything else you need to succeed.

So join me to Activate Your Secret Genius™ Realize your full human potential, experience profound success, and step into your flow and joy. 

Why AYSG™ is a Transformative System –  not just pivotal information

Every lesson is built on: (1) brain science (neuroscience, cognitive, and behavioral) to prep your own brain with the understanding it needs to get primed for neuroplastic change; and (2) the step-by-step practice you need to do to create new behaviors and neural circuits. Plus weekly (3) healing and exploration exercises for powerful inner discovery. Each lesson build upon the foundation from the week before to create a synergistic impact on your growth.

In 12 weeks, You’ll Be Able to:

1) Get Laser-Sharp Focus: master concentrating attention on high-value priorities and engaging in deep work with clarity

2) Feel Stress-Relief & Calm: Stop your old neural networks from getting triggered on a loop by learning how to repair cues and redirect your behaviors.

3) Build Mindfulness Skills: From present moment awareness tracking to the ability to be a neutral observer, you’ll gain what you need to be masterfully mindful.

4) Unleash Powerful Productivity: Understand how to makes work easier and your deep work sessions more effective; Learn how to work in line with your brain rhythms.

5) Master New Habit Formation: Understand how to rewire your micro mental habits to create ripple effects in your behavior.

6) Overcome Resistance to Change: Once you understand the neuroscience behind the brain’s resistance to change, you can follow the system to break through old barriers and drive personal growth.

7) Pattern Decode & Pattern Shift: Identify and transform the thought, emotion, and behavioral loops that are negative or unhelpful to you now. Transform the fabric of your mental landscape.

8) Unlock High Cognitive Abilities: From enhanced learning and memory to assessing, evaluating, and planning, your skills will be at whole new levels with your brain clearly aligned and supporting you.

9) Align Your Subconscious “Default” Mind: Learn how to release any self-directed guilt, shame, or anger. This freedom plus new inputs, intentions, and goals turn your subconscious into your cheerleader.

10) Tap Your Creativity and Flow: Tap the connections in the mind, and get techniques to innovate, explore, and create or problem-solve with new vigor.  Learn to focus in powerful, deep-work states that induce flow.

11) Cultivate Intentional Optimism: Learn how to foster a positive outlook for overall well-being, utilizing cognitive reframing techniques to handle stress positively and build resilience.

12) Communicate with Confidence: Your awareness, compassion, and emotional intelligence will soar. You’ll also have strong clarity over messaging, techniques to manage relationships, and boundaries in place.

13) Master Your Own Mental Energy: Your brain bandwidth is limited. You’ll learn how to prioritize what matters in terms of deep work and priorities, and replenish your reserves before you tap out.

14) Deliver on Unmet Needs: Understand your own intentions, desires, and needs. Deliver to yourself in healthy, empowering ways what you need so you’re not left looking for it to be fulfilled by the external world.

15) Plan Your 3-month Roadmap:  Create a next-up future plan around your goals with clarity, intention, and deep purpose. With a clear destination, milestones, priorities, and strategies – you’ll sustain your momentum.

The Profound Freedom You Will Feel…

Your brain’s default way of perceiving the world and processing information will change. You’ll learn how to seperate yourself and see things as an observer. This gives you the changes to unravel the old tapestry of your thoughts and feelings and create a new one. Life changes – even long held pain or memories – are released. You get a sense of freedom, you’ve never felt before. It’s like creating a new book for the story of your life, not just turning the next chapter in the old one.  

You’ll See the World and Yourself in  New Ways

Learn how to be a detective: You’ll pattern-decode how it is you work and what you need. This self-disocvery paves the path for mindfulness. 

Learn how to be a scientist: You’ll identify and change your responses to triggers to encode new behavioral circuits. You’ll be creating your own neural networks!

Learn how to be an olympian: You’ll train to gain mastery over your new super skills entering states of deep work, focus, creativity, and flow.

Here’s How Our Activate Your Secret Genius™ Program Works

In 12 weeks, with the support of powerful teaching systems founded on brain science + cognitive skills + applied mindfulness – you will truly transform how you think, feel, and work daily


12 weeks of learning


In just 90 days, you’ll have made a remarkable change in how you think and work. Just 30 min a day of training to enact true neuroplastity & new neural networks.


2 lessons per week


Each week you’ll have a: Module A – which is the Brain Science (neuroscience, psychology, epigenetics) to prime you for change and show you why it’s crucial. Module B are your Steps & Skills to apply, practice, and rewire your brain.


50+ videos with Storytelling


Each video is 8-25 minutes long and full of engaging metaphors and examples to help your truly understand how your brain works and what you need. It feels like a 1:1 conversation and personalized learning experience.


applied practices + worksheets


You’ll get an AYSG™ Action Plan for your whole program. Each week you’ll have worksheets, healing + exploration exercises, and more to support deep awarness and retention.


full support + lifetime access


We make staying on schedule easy with email inspiration, daily affirmations, and SMS lesson reminders. Plus you can email us and we’re happy to schedule a call to help you get the most out of this incredible journey.


6-month guarantee


Your success is our priority. The program is a symbiotic process – the more you put in, the deeper and more embodied your transformation will be. We guarantee when you follow the program – you will think, feel, and work better – or we’ll help you personally until you do.

Just Imagine How Good You Will Feel When …

When you make changes that actually stick because they are embedded into your newly created optimized circuits.

When you don’t feel stuck in the past anymore because you’re truly free of old negative thoughts, subconcious beliefs, and bad habits

When it feels nice to be in your own head because it’s now calm, clear, organized, and supportive.

When you have the mental energy and focus to get into flow and high productivity sessions on the regular

When your memory works well so you can learn and integrate what matters to you with ease.

When chronic stress and burnout are cycles you no longer experience because you know what your brain and body need to stay in harmony.

When you go on a deep journey of self-discovery and align your purpose, passions, and priorities together to create the life of your dreams.

When you have the plan and skills to achieve that dream and any other goal you set.

Here’s Everything You Get!

  • 12 Weeks of Active Learning – Preview Week + 10 Week Main Master Program + Bonus Keystones of Harmony (Habits for the Body & Brain)
  • 50 Training Videos 8-25 min – each featuring Dr. Arianna as she guides you through each lesson with accompanying slides. Every video is clear, well-structured, and fun as the science feels personal and exciting as you work to change your brain.
  • Weekly Self-Discovery & Genius Worksheets that you’ll do between Module A (after you’ve learned the Science – to prime your brain for the practice steps) and Module B where the science evolves into your practice.
  • Lesson Slides that you can print or which are digitally fillable pdfs. These empahsize Key Points and strengthen the process of your learning and retention.
  • Email Lesson Support for 12 Weeks to keep you on track and help you stay inspired and motivated in your learning journey.
  • SMS Support Reminders – similarly to emails, these are topical  messages related to your lessons to help you stay focused, on schedule, and excited.
  • Continued Education in Our Community to supplement your experience and keep your learning active
  • 100% Refathom Team Support during the program
  • Dr. Arianna’s 6-month Transformation Guarantee


Take the leap to change your habits, your thoughts, your past – to discover yourself, and create a new YOU with powerful skills and tools. 

    Secret Genius is all about training your brain to think, feel, act with the skills of your highest self.  In 12 weeks, we take you step-by-step through the workings of your mind so you:

    Understand your “past” brain, know yourself, decode past patterns, unlock new awareness, learn super skills, design your future, and recreate your neural networks to match who you are now!


    The Keystones of Daily Harmony –

    Habits to SuperCharge Your Brain & Fuel Your Body

    Learn from leading neuroscience research-based methods what daily habits for NUTRITION, MOVEMENT, and SLEEP will recharge and balance your body

    • Understand why Ayurveda (the ancient Indian science of knowledge) aligns with neuroscience to support these daily practices

    • Plus get checklists and tools to support you get your physical body healthy and energized to support your new SUPER BRAIN 

    The Keystones of Daily Harmony Course

    Hi HI HI HI




    Get access to your own online sanctuary to work in a friendly, fun co-working environment for up to 3 years included!

    Be part of a mindful, wonderful community and participate in community events.

    Spend time in intentionally designed spaces for 1- yoga 2- meditation 3- journaling 4- affirmations 5- goal planning and so much more!

    Fall in love with your ultimate space for deep work, well-being, and relaxation!

    See The Love From Our Clients! 

    When you join Activate Your Secret Genius, you’re joining a wonderful community of professionals and individuals who’ve been transformed by our neuro-performance and mindfulness program. 

    The sense of inner growth and discovery I've experienced through the Secret Genius program is unbelievable. It's equipped me with the tools to manage stress effectively, heal from past pain, and embark on a continuous journey of self-improvement for life! I've become more resilient, empathetic, and open-minded, changing how I see and think in my career and personal life.

    Jennie K.
    IT Consultant

    Entrepreneurship felt overwhelming until the Activate Your Secret Genius program showed me how to harness the power of my mind. The combination of cutting-edge neuroscience and practical, actionable steps has revolutionized the way I approach business challenges and personal development.

    James C.
    boutique Agency Owner

    Living with anxiety had always made me feel isolated and incapable. The insights and tools provided by the Activate Your Secret Genius program have helped me understand and manage my anxiety effectively. Now, I approach life's challenges with a sense of empowerment and resilience that was once unimaginable.

    Software developer

    Embarking on a journey of inner growth and discovery through the Secret Genius program has been one of the most enriching experiences of my life. It's not just about stress relief or healing; it's about unlocking parts of myself I was previously unaware of.

    Clay T.
    Financial analyst

    AYSG transformed my entire creative process, wiping away the negativity that held me back and replacing it with an unstoppable force of positivity and unparalleled focus. The flow state I now achieve in my projects is a reality I once only dared to dream of.

    Sophie R.
    Digital Marketing specialist


    When you buy this program, you are investing in real transformation. We are confident of the results. If, after you put in the work (because we need you to activate your own neuroplasticity), you don’t experience changes in how you think, feel, and work daily — Dr. Arianna will offer free 1:1 coaching with you until it clicks. Just remember, to get the brain change, you need to train. Invoke this guarantee anytime in the first 6 months after you enroll so that the content is fresh.

    To Reach the Highest levels of yourself

    start your neuro-performance and mindfulness transformation

    Join the Activate Your Secret Genius™ Program for a powerful 12 week journey of discovery, growth, change, healing, and mastery. 

    Life is short. Change is hard. Your life Matters. Let us show you a whole new way to see the world, energize daily, work meaningfully, focus deeply, create innovatingly, and live purposefully. 


    If You’re Looking to Skip the Work, This Program is Not for You

    All Refathom™ programs are designed to be symbiotic experiences. That means the more energy and time you put in, the more powerful your learning experience will be.

    If you want to make real lasting change, there is just no magic shortcut. You need to activate your neuroplasticity and you need to change your neural circuitry to get the changes to stick.

    While we give you the how and what of the  program – you do need to apply it to your own life to change your own brain.

    It also takes intention and committment to stay the path. While we’re here to guide you and support you, you need to work the program for it to help rework you.

    Those who succeed are the ones who truly desire the transformation and are passionate about the journey of self-discovery along the way.

    Check Out Your Exciting 12 Week Journey!

    Joining the Secret Genius program is more than learning; it’s a transformative journey. You’ll tackle deep-rooted challenges, boost your focus and awareness, enhance your cognitive and creative abilities, and much more. This training leads to major, life-changing improvements.

    Your Activate Your Secret Genius™ Program Curriculum

    Click below to learn more about each exciting week of your journey!
    Week 0: Your AYSG™ Preview & Prep Lessons - Starting the Right Way Is Vital
    • These 3 videos will introduce you to everything you need for the next 12 weeks.
    • They also help you breakdown and understand your transformation journey.
    • It’s important to take the time to set up your materials, environment, and mindset.
    Week 1: Your Brain, Your Mind, and the Nature of Your Reality - You are the Observer
    • Explore the profound connection between your brain’s structure and your personal reality.
    • Gain a deeper understanding of your role as the observer of your thoughts and emotions.
    • Overcome the feeling of being disconnected from your own life’s direction.
    • Step into the empowering role of shaping your perception and responses.
    Week 2: Your Conscious, Subconscious, & Habits - The Keys to Your Head
    • Unpack the relationship between your conscious decisions and subconscious programming.
    • Uncover how your habits are formed and influenced by both levels of consciousness.
    • Begin to break free from negative habits that have been unconsciously directing your life.
    • Harness the power to rewrite your mental scripts, leading to positive habit formation
    Week 3: Your Neuroevolution, Your Ancestors, Your Story - The Biodrivers Within
    • Recognize the primal drivers that influence your decision-making and actions.
    • Understand the evolutionary backstory that has wired you for survival and how it impacts you today.
    • Harness this knowledge to reinterpret your story, guiding a new intuition towards success and fulfillment.
    • Address old stress responses that no longer serve you in the modern world
    Week 4: Haywires of Homeostasis -- Stress & Emotional Hijacking - Finding True Equilibrium
    • Get a clear understanding of your body’s native stress mechanism and how it gets triggered all the time by what’s happening around you and inside you
    • Learn how to manage your external and internal stress triggers and redirect your emotions in supportive ways
    • Understand your own stress history and how it was shaped by past memories and charged experiences –
    • Start to release the past, and be mindful, calm, and aware in the present moment shaping how you respond and interact with the world in new ways
    Week 5: Genetics Isn't Destiny -- Epigenetics, New Cells, New You - The Reinvented Self
    • Jump into the fascinating world of epigenetics and discover how you can impact your genetic blueprint.
    • You are not stuck! Here you learn just how much influence you can have over your cell expression.
    • Gain the ability to shape your health by positively changing your thoughts and emotions.
    • Actively create your well-being and live knowing how much you can change and continue to reinvent yourself.
      Week 6: A New Roadmap for Your Focus and Productivity - You Super Concentrated
      • Learn to intentionally harness your focus for sustained periods of time like a catalyst in deep work
      • Create a personalized toolbox of productivity practices and know what works when
      • Overcome distractions and scattered thoughts and unlock higher states of thinking and creativity
      • Attain a super-concentrated state where focus fuels success with clear goals and priorities

      Week 7: Supercharging Your Learning and Memory - Cognitive Treasures
      • Learn how to learn – knowing how your brain learns is one of the creates life-changing growth opportunities
      • Understand what you can do to engage in deep learning
      • Improve your memory – transform working memory into long-term memory for knowledge that matters
      • Use integrative techniques for archiving memories for deeper retention and easier retrieval 

      Week 8: True Genius Needs Creativity and Flow - The Human Experience
      • Understand why creativity is at the heart of the human experience and learn how to tap into yours
      • Learn how to cross-map ideas for innovations
      • Use explorative methods to be in a non self-conscious state where you can brainstorm uninhibited
      • Learn and practice your flow state conditions to get into the optimal state of deep work 

      Week 9: Living by the Eternal Energy Equations - Cultivating Your Source
      • Master the principles of energy management to sustain high performance
      • Assess your life and relationships to assess how you spend your energy 
      • Understand how to build up and direct energy like a resource
      • Tap into deeper sustained states of vitality and consciousness through mindfulness 

      Week 10: The Power of Your Selection, Happiness, and Success - You as the Creator of Your Reality
      • Understand the power of your choice at the micro-cogntive level that you can influence to shape reality
      • End old cycles of negativity by intentionally replacing them with your self-discovered activities full of purpose, meaning, 
      • Emerge as the architect of your reality, selecting pathways to joy and success with a natural confidence
      • Embody all of your changes in your new mind and body
      Weeks 11-12: Bonus Keystones of Harmony (may take 1-3 weeks)
      • 3 powerful lessons with 4 modules each on Nutrition, Sleep, and Movement for the Body and to Supercharnge the Brain

      So Are You Ready?


      You’re likely already a high-achiever with many capabilities.

      But now with this once-in-a-lifetime training program, you’ll learn to see behind the scenes of your own head, understand what your brain needs, and step-by-step sync your subconscious & conscious minds for poewrful results. 

      Your new level of self-awareness, from perception and processing to feelings and actions, will give you unparalleled direction over whole new facets of your life. It’ll help you think, feel, communicate, and create in new ways. Plus you’ll be a master at restoring your balance and keeping your energy high so your goals become a reality. 

      email us with questions

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Click to read the answers to some Frequently Asked Questions.
      What are my payment options?

      We use Stripe as our payment gateway. It is 100% secure. You can use any major credit card via Stripe. Their security policy states: Stripe has been certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry. This audit includes both Stripe’s Card Data Vault (CDV) and the secure software development of our integration code.

      How do I get started with the Program? What do I do first?
      • Once you securely checkout, you will receive a series of emails over the next several hours with all of the access codes, links, and instructions you need.
      • The first part of the Program which is Preview Week will be immediately available to you in your Learning Dashboard on Learn.Refathom.Space. 
      • Once you create your login credentials, you can start watching Preview videos.
      • After 7 days, we send you the link to the “main” course starting with Week 1. The reason we delay this is so you take the time to really get prepped in Preview Week as it’s essential to your success. 
      What is my program schedule?
      • We give you a ideal schedule and also a template for a schedule you can write in if you want to do it on different days of the week.
      • Each week’s lesson consists of 2 learning modules. Module A is your “Knowledge Module” and Module B is “Practice Module.”
      • You’ll watch videos for Mod A and Mod B and then do worksheets and exercies as specified in between
      • The modules will initial drip every 3 days – you should follow the Program Schedule the first time around as it’s designed to help you activate your neuroplasticity and get the max transformation.
      • After that you’ll have access to the progam and can do any part again you choose whenever you want. 
      In what format is the program? Can I watch videos anytime?
      • The full course is divided into weekly lessons over the course of 12 weeks. 
      • Once you complete your course prep in preview week, you’ll have 2 active learning video modules each week.
      • Each module has several videos, pdf handouts, exercises, and fillable worksheets you do in between to learn and apply the material.
      • Everything is organized and detailed in a cohesive master program action plan. 
      • It’s best to follow our AYSG™ Action Plan and Course Calendar this first time around so you get the deepest learning out of these 12 weeks.
      • The program is designed for you to redo and go deeper so it’s up to you and you can watch anytime again after that.
      How much time should I plan to spend on my training lessons?
      • Brain rewiring takes consistent effort so be ready to devote 30 minutes a day to either watch the day’s videos or do your worksheets and other exercises.
      • Remember – this program will serve as a major shortcut for your new high-functioning brain, which will help you the rest of your life. 
      • Because we need the time for neuroplasticity to take effect and actually sustainable change your brain function and circuits, the more you put in, the deeper the change. 
      • Plus, you will have a course calendar, and schedule so you just have to follow along. Soon your endorphins will kick in and it’ll be your favorite act of intentional growth and self-care.
      How do you keep us on track during the program?
      • You’ll get a full 12- weeks of lesson-supported emails that will help you stay motivated and get excited about the learning for the day.
      • We also send encouraging and uplifting SMS messages and reminders to inspire you about the amazing changes your making and keep you on track. 
      • You can also opt to start Your 100 Days of Affirmation Bonus Morning Messages to guide you every new day with ancient wisdom and positivity
      • We only send you what you need to stay on top of your lessons and program
      Do I really have lifetime access to the program?

      Yes! You’ll always have access to the videos and learning materials. You can even restart your email support series whenever you want. This program is layered and you’ll get more out of it every time you do it. We encourage you to go back through every couple of years.

      What is your 6-Month Transformation Guarantee?

      When you buy this program, you are investing in real transformation. We are confident of the results. If after you put in the work (because we need you to activate your own neuroplasticity), you don’t see the change in how you think, feel, and work — Dr. Arianna will coach you personally until it clicks. But again – you have to do the work to get the brain changes. Invoke this guarantee anytime in the first 6 months after you enroll so that the content is fresh.

      How do I access the VIP Lounge and Zen Co-working Space?

      We’ll shoot you access to your secret special rooms in the first day once you enroll in the program. You will love these spaces so explore them and test them out for different productivity and work scenarios. 


      Start on an a once in a lifetime path that helps you tackles your biggest challenges and leads to breakthrough powerful change. This isn’t just about learning; it’s your playbook for a remarkable life full of purpose, meaning, creativity, flow, and so much more.



      Together, we’ll go on a journey that takes you step-by-step through the whole journey of learning, observing, decoding, and changing your brain to change your life. I’m giving you a clear action plan with all the resources and support you need to create a new you and design the future of your dreams, encoded all the way into your new neural networks.

      Have questions? Reach out at

      © Refathom™ Inc. 2024. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 



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